About Tuwhera
What is Tuwhera?
Tuwhera is an AUT initiative, supported by the Research Services and Digital Development teams at Te Mātāpuna Library & Learning Services. It incorporates an open publications hosting service run on open source software (Open Journal Systems and Open Conference Systems), and AUT’s institutional research repository (DSpace).
Open journal and publications hosting
Our hosting services are free of processing, support or administration charges (sometimes known as diamond open access). This includes:
- providing full training, implementation and publication workflow support.
- assigning DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) to published items via Crossref, ensuring long-term link stability.
- securing long-term preservation of published content via CLOCKSS.
We offer writers and editors a range of Creative Commons machine and human readable licences to maximise dissemination, use and reuse of content with appropriate attribution. More about copyright and licencing.
Tuwhera: be open
Knowledge exists for the benefit of the communities from which it comes.
We believe in openness, sharing and toll-free access to research. We support the development of a sustainable and equitable commons.
Tuwhera is a te reo Māori word with multiple meanings: be open, opening up. We chose the name in collaboration with Māori staff from Te Ara Poutama at AUT to acknowledge parallels with, and to honour Māori reciprocal concepts and ideals such as ako (learning/teaching), awhi (to cherish), manaaki (hospitality, support, care) and mana tangata (empowerment, humanity).
- Utilises open-source (non-proprietary) publishing and repository platforms
- Is free of article processing charges (pay to publish) or other fees
- Supports multiple modes of author ownership and IP
- Applies Creative Commons licences to facilitate fair access and reuse
The research outputs featured on Tuwhera are versions of full text scholarly works from AUT's Research Elements system.
Many publishing contracts allow AUT authors to add the author accepted manuscript with no publisher branding (after peer review) or the pre-print (before peer review) to be added to a research repository, such as Tuwhera Open Research. This is called self-archiving or Green Open Access. Learn more about author accepted manuscripts and how to find them.
Why self-archive?
Adding articles to Tuwhera Open Research
- Improves the reach and citation impact of your work
- Allows readers to link to the published version
- Enables research to be shared widely amongst practitioners and the global community
Right to self-archive
Journal publishers usually acquire the copyright to scholarly articles through a publication agreement with the author. Their policies then determine what authors can do with their work.
Publisher policies are always checked by the scholarly communications librarians before any version is published on Tuwhera Open Research.
Sherpa Romeo is an excellent resource for you to check your publisher’s self-archiving policies before entering a publishing agreement.
Open Publishing
All open journal, conference and research summary content originally published on Tuwhera is Creative Commons licenced (CC-BY preferred) to facilitate reuse with attribution.
Open Research
Outputs may have different rights statements; check on individual listing pages.
Open Theses and Dissertations
Protected under an all rights reserved copyright licence, unless otherwise indicated.
Your thesis on Tuwhera
Adding your research in Tuwhera enables it to be shared widely amongst practitioners and the global community.
Your thesis will have a permanent web address (a handle), which can be included in your researcher profile or publications list.
Will sharing my thesis reduce my chances of publication?
Journal publishers routinely accept journal submissions that first appeared in an author’s previously released thesis.
Contact the Tuwhera team for specific advice and information about publisher policies, and your options for handling creative theses and other postgraduate research outputs.
Tuwhera supports a range of AUT-managed open publication types from established peer-reviewed journals to emerging and shorter formats.
Contact us if you are interested in setting up a new open publication or transferring the hosting of an existing journal to our service. Or download our application form.
We provide full training in the OJS publishing system, initial design, basic customisation and layout services, and ongoing publication workflow and user support.
Our services include:
- Assigning Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to your published content
- Long-term preservation via CLOCKSS
- Indexing via Google Scholar and appropriate subject databases and abstracting services
- Content promotion and communications
- Creative Commons licences guidance and support
- APIs and plugins for supporting open scholarship, eg ORCiD, Publons
Te rōpū Tuwhera links AUT’s open research to the wider community – contributing to our place in Aotearoa and the Pacific region.
The core aims of the rōpū are to:
- Provide expertise, inspiration and guidance to the Tuwhera Library team
- Promote community-led approaches to open research
- Ensure sustainability and ongoing support of AUT’s open research services and infrastructure
- Provide an information and advocacy conduit to AUT’s Senior Leadership Team
- Promote the AUT Open Scholarship Policy
- Help centre marginalised research (especially that carried out by indigenous and early career academics)