Use this form to apply to host your open journal on Tuwhera.
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We can currently only provide hosting and support to publications with an editorial connection to AUT. If you wish to discuss this please contact
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Title of journal * Focus and scope * What is the overall concept? What topics or fields will be covered? Examples About the journal * Front page information. Examples Publication frequency * Annually, biannually (which months?), rolling (article by article). Contact details Contact name * Contact affiliation * Contact email * Must be an AUT email to work with the system Department, association, school, institute... * Sections * Articles, editorials, reviews, features... Proposed file formats e.g PDF, HTML, MP4s The peer review process * -- Please Select --BlindDouble BlindOpenOther ISSN (Contact Tuwhera if the journal does not have one) Process * Do you want to use the Tuwhera system to work through the whole editorial process (submission, review, copy editing, publishing)? -- Please Select --YesNoNot yet certain Do you have existing content or back issues to upload to Tuwhera? * -- Please Select --YesNo Proposed language (s) of the journal Do you have an existing DOI prefix? If yes what is it and who's the account holder? If an existing journal, can you indicate whether it is indexed elsewhere? eg Ebsco, Informit, Scopus PeopleEditor/s: Name, affiliation, contact * Editorial Team Any copyeditors/proof-readers etc. already known. Editorial Board Name, affiliation, contact of members already known. PoliciesCreative Commons licence * Tuwhera journals open licences range from CC-BY to CC-BY-NC-ND which is quite restrictive. Please make a considered choice. CC licences don’t replace copyright ownership. Here is a great resource from Creative Commons to read up on licences -- Please Select --CC-BYCC-BY-SACC-BY-NDCC-BY-NCCC-BY-NC-SACC-BY-NC-ND Self-archiving permissions This is so the journal can be indexed on Sherpa Romeo, a site used by librarians. It is just another way to clearly state that articles can be shared. Find out more Do you give permission for Tuwhera to submit journal details to Sherpa Romeo? * -- Please Select --YesNo The published version can be shared on... Institutional Repository Other Open Access Repository Author's Personal Website PubMed Central ArXiv Pre-Print Server Copyright ownership policy Tuwhera strongly encourages author copyright ownership. Who will own copyright: * -- Please Select --the authorthe journal Copyright ownership statement Copyright ownership can be combined with the third-party copyright policy in your copyright statement. Examples Open access policy Include the articles being open, no author charges, author copyright, having a CC licence, etc. Examples Third-party copyright statement This can be combined with the copyright ownership statement. A publication ethics and malpractice statement How the journal will deal with certain ethical decisions. These often take the same form and many of the Tuwhera journals use similar wording. Examples Plagiarism policy A statement to reinforce that only original works are submitted to the journal. Example GuidelinesSubmission Guidelines Add your submission criteria here, including formats, font, length, language, referencing style etc. as applicable. Examples Reviewer guidelines Add any existing guidelines you have now. Alternatively, use the publishing system later to create a review form to guide the reviewer. Examples Would you like to create a review form within the system? * -- Please Select --YesNo Would you like reviewers to be able to access the submission prior to accepting the review? -- Please Select --YesNo CustomisationDo you have an existing or planned...? Banner image Logo Colour scheme Can you give us more information about these?