Plagiarism policy examples

Plagiarism policy examples

Tuwhera Examples

1. "The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted. Applied Finance Letters reserves the right to use Turnitin software to screen any article for plagiarism. If evidence of plagiarism is found at any stage, (before or after the publication of the paper) the author will be afforded an opportunity for rebuttal. If the arguments are found to be unsatisfactory, the manuscript will be retracted and the author will be restricted from publishing in our Journal in the future. We accept all terms and conditions of COPE in relation to plagiarism."

2. "Screening for plagiarism: Reviewers are selected for their expertise in the field that the submitted article relates to. If they identify plagiarism in any submission, then the entire submission is assessed through Turnitin, and if plagiarism is identified, the article’s author(s) are advised, and the submission is returned to the author(s)."